Choices in Recovery Program: Spinning Straw Into Gold

Spinning Straw into Gold is a panel of three cancer survivors who will tell their stories of transformation after cancer treatment.  Prior to their cancer treatment:

Lisa Corrado worked as a general nutritionist.  Having cancer made her realize that her favorite client is someone who has just left the doctor’s office with a diagnosis—and has no idea how to eat now.  So that’s Lisa’s new niche.  She’s also pursuing her dream to live part time in Italy while writing and taking photographs— documenting her journey on “The Salted Tomato”.

Aimee Elsner was a wife, mother and pediatric occupational therapist who began doing triathlons.  Since her recovery, Aimee continues in those roles and has completed a half-Ironman triathlon and a 100 mile bike ride.  She has also completed a certificate in whole food, plant-based nutrition.  Most recently, Aimee has begun a yoga teacher training certificate program.

Gregg Felice is a long-term survivor of recurrent Hodgkin’s disease.  This experience led him to become a clinical oncology social worker.  Gregg has had over 20 years of experience working with the multiple psychosocial aspects and dynamics of cancer.  Currently, he has developed a business and service model that helps both physicians and patients navigate the healthcare system as it relates to specialty drug therapies.  He is dedicated to improving the lives of cancer patients and their families.

TULLY HEALTH CENTER AUDITORIUM   Tuesday, April 23, 6:00 -7:30pm.               This program is open to all.  Please call 1.877.233.9355.


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